Monday, March 30, 2020

The Chemistry Of Life - A Fun Crossword Puzzle and Solving the Mysteries

The Chemistry Of Life - A Fun Crossword Puzzle and Solving the MysteriesThe Chemistry of Life is a crossword puzzle set of seven short story collections from the author of Brain Games. In the first of the series, entitled The Chemist's Eulogy, the author provides a hint at the conclusion of the mystery behind the main character. In this case, it was revealed that the chemistry of life will have an effect on a relationship between the protagonist and his ex-wife.The second of the seven-chapter series features three chapters, titled With A Gold Ring and The Wife Is Away, which feature variations on the theme of the wedding ring. It will have a huge effect on the character as he is on the verge of losing his wife and his only source of income.The third in the series reveals the meaning of a clue word that is quite complex to decipher. In this case, the clue word is derived from a collection of words that are related to one another. The meanings that are derived from the clue words are a very difficult to decipher puzzle piece.The Chemistry of Life also contains puzzles related to the meanings of the words. The sections from The Chemistry of Life include An Ending Story: The Poem The Doctor Cried, Unaccountable Shoes: And A Dream Set A-Ridden, Bride's Bulging Belt: The Seance, House Hanged: The Rose, The Bride Of The King of Diamonds: The Plan, and The Bride Of The Queen Of Hearts: The Funeral Arrangements.Each of these chapters offer clues and puzzles related to the theme of the mystery. For instance, the section from The Chemistry of Life - House Hanged deals with the reading of the final verses, which read, 'With a jump from some unseen pathway (the aisle), A phantom bride vanished, In lieu of a solace for her who had fallen.'As to the article called Unaccountable Shoes, the writer explains, 'The poet employed a narrator whose narrator saw, through three-dimensional eyes, A beautiful golden dress, And the shadow of the royal bride.' In The Chemistry of Life - Th e Poem, the poem reads, 'The airless recesses, The warm vacant places, The lavishly piled books.The lamp's flame its own wealth of light, In all the secret of the starry sky, But, despite its pretty face, The sunbeam's footfall did send A shiver down my spine, In such accents as 'Good night sweet prince.'' Then there is the part of The Chemistry of Life - The Plan. The poem says, 'The water from a curling crystal faucet Rises, tranquil and clear, in a glass. With my thoughts inarticulate, Hid in silences of silence.'The next chapter of The Chemistry of Life - The Bride Of The King Of Diamonds will arrive at the end of May. Stay tuned for more great puzzles from author Rob Bartholomew!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Language Challenge Prizes!

Language Challenge Prizes! Throughout the challenge we will be  giving away prizes  to challengers who  promote us on social media. We have awarded our first spot prize to  @CabildoSpanish on twitter, a free OXFORD English Online Placement Test!!! To enter in the drawing for the next prize which will be a subscription to video language lessons: Make a post on facebook/weibo  with the hashtag:  #italkichallenge or TRIPLE (3x) your chances  of winning by doing the following: Take a picture of yourself holding a sign with the hashtag: #italkichallenge and post it on facebook/weibo. Here is an example: We know you can do it! Keep it up! If you ever have questions, or need any help contact us at Language Challenge Prizes! Throughout the challenge we will be  giving away prizes  to challengers who  promote us on social media. We have awarded our first spot prize to  @CabildoSpanish on twitter, a free OXFORD English Online Placement Test!!! To enter in the drawing for the next prize which will be a subscription to video language lessons: Make a post on facebook/weibo  with the hashtag:  #italkichallenge or TRIPLE (3x) your chances  of winning by doing the following: Take a picture of yourself holding a sign with the hashtag: #italkichallenge and post it on facebook/weibo. Here is an example: We know you can do it! Keep it up! If you ever have questions, or need any help contact us at

Volume in Chemistry

Volume in ChemistryWhat is the volume in chemistry? Chemistry students learn that they are studying the structure of the chemical elements by having to make chemical combinations that can be studied with reference to the density of these elements. By adding oxygen and hydrogen to potassium it produces the element magnesium which has a different mass than potassium.Reading this, you may ask how it is that reading this makes the difference. Well, in case you don't know, adding oxygen and hydrogen to magnesium has a different density than that of potassium. Therefore, you can find out by measuring the mass of the elements and by multiplying this number by itself.The fact that you are reading a volume in chemistry text means that you are using units of measure. The units are generally called volumes. You learn all about volumes of the chemical elements in the standard works, as you study the structures of the various elements in the textbook.Reading this shows that you will be using chem istry units. In the units used for chemistry you are doing the same thing as learning to read volume in chemistry in your book. You will be determining density and weights. This is the same as being able to read volume in chemistry.When you begin to read this material, you are going to see that you will also have to remember certain quantities. Sometimes, when you are just reading you will not need to remember what numbers mean but when you are learning you are going to need to remember what they mean. Sometimes it is easy to get confused as you are trying to learn and it is difficult to remember. You will notice this as you are learning chemistry, and this can be easily remedied by having some learning aids such as this volume in chemistry text.You do not need to understand every word in this text, you only need to remember whatvolume is. Chemistry texts are generally full of numbers that mean something. When you are trying to read this text you will get out of it what you did not expect, especially if you do not know any chemistry. If you have the text with you when you first get into chemistry class, you will have something that will help you remember what you are doing.Even if you do not learn everything that is required for a chemistry course, you will still have learned something. The only reason you are reading this volume in chemistry is because you need to remember what quantities are written on the page. With chemistry you can take the same approach as you learn how to read volume in chemistry.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Chemistry of Life

The Chemistry of LifeMark Twain, one of the most original writers, predicted a number of centuries before the modern atomic age that there would be chemistry as a scientific discipline. One hundred years ago this had not been predicted, but the reason for this prediction is that at that time chemistry was so unknown and undefined that when Mark Twain began to write about it, he knew it would be an important part of the sciences of the future.In his books, Mark Twain predicted that when he died, 'Science would teach all its study of the matter to the world, and Chemistry would alone keep itself pure.' As of now, chemistry has changed so much and advanced so quickly that the only remaining laboratory-type entity that can do chemistry on the molecular level is perhaps the atomic microscope. Science has made so many other advances in just the last century, so much more can be accomplished with chemistry if we use chemistry to its full potential.Carbon and the Chemistry of Life was writte n in 1899, one hundred years ago. It was written so succinctly that the reader has no trouble understanding it. It is a celebration of everything we know and love about the world, and it also reminds us of the fact that today's discoveries in chemistry are only the beginning.Of course, we are at the dawn of a new era of chemistry, the 'chemistry of life' era. To a non-chemist, chemistry seems simple and fun. We know that the world is full of products of chemical reactions, and so we can smile, wonder, and marvel at what we see.How we once speculated about the continents moving as the air cooled and compressed its contents to create the oceans and continents we know today is only part of the world's fluids. A scientist will explain this to you in a few minutes, but in the meantime, let's give a little love to the world we live in.As it is the case with everything else in chemistry, the appearance of carbon is not necessarily as beautiful as the story of a man who stood on the face of a mountain, saw the formations, and then thought, 'Gee, I wish I could do that'. It is a hard thing to understand, but carbon, like any other element, is always going to be the same. This gives chemistry a great deal of purpose, because chemistry is a scientific discipline based on observation, on the measurements of known quantities, and on experiments in order to determine the amount of each element present in the universe.If you're interested in science, your interest should be in chemistry, because science is simply one branch of chemistry, and all branches are branches of chemistry. And if you're interested in the world around you, then it's not enough to care about that chemistry, you need to care about all the chemistry in the world!

What are the Differences Between Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans

What are the Differences Between Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans By now, youve likely heard a lot about the changes tothe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students in college (or enrolling in college) are strongly encouraged to fill out a FAFSA each school year, as the form determines eligibility for financial aid, such as grants and student loans. However, you may not have heard about the different types of loans that are made available through the FAFSA. Two of the most popular types of loans you may be offered through the U.S. Department of Education are subsidized and unsubsidized loans. But which one do you want or qualify for? Here are some of the major differences between subsidized and unsubsidized loans that you should know about. Direct subsidized loans have better terms for interest accrued Perhaps the largest difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans is how interest is accrued. There are noticeable financial benefits associated with subsidized loans. With a subsidized loan, the U.S. Department of Education pays interest on money borrowed while youre enrolled at least half-time, for a grace period of six months after you leave school and for a deferment period. This means you start accruing interest six months after graduation rather than the day you take out the loan, making the difference between several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. If you take out an unsubsidized loan, you will be responsible for all of the interest accrued, including while you were enrolled in school and during any period of deferment. Unpaid interest will be added to your principal loan balance. It is advisable to make interest payments while in school to decrease the amount you will owe after graduation, but this is not always possible for students who may only work part-ti me or who are unable to work while they are in school. Loan limits vary between direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans The amount of an unsubsidized loan is determined by the college or university you are attending and your grade level, but will never exceed the amount of your tuition. There are also more stringent limits on the amount of subsidized loans a student can take out. For example, a dependent undergraduate student can qualify for a maximum loan of $5,500 for his or her first year, but only $3,500 of that amount can be subsidized. Students must also be aware of aggregate loan limits$31,000 for a dependent undergraduate student, only $23,000 of which may be subsidized. For a particularly expensive school, this means a student may reach his or her aggregate loan limit before graduation. You must demonstrate financial need in order to receive a direct subsidized loan You will only be offered subsidized loans if your FAFSA demonstrates financial need. However, even if you do demonstrate financial need, you may also receive unsubsidized loans to help cover additional costs. On the other hand, you do not need to demonstrate financial need to qualify for an unsubsidized loan, so unsubsidized loans are available to everyone. Direct subsidized loans are offered only to undergraduate students Subsidized loans are only available to undergraduate students, or those seeking an associate degree or a bachelors degree. Unsubsidized loans, however, are offered to both undergraduate and graduate students seeking a masters or doctoral degree. Unsubsidized loans do not have a time limit for eligibility Subsidized loans have a time limit, called a maximum eligibility period, on how long a student is eligible to receive this type of aid, while unsubsidized loans do not have a time limit. Subsidized loans can be awarded for up to 150 percent of your program length. For example, a typical bachelors degree may require 120 credits completed over four years. For such a student, a subsidized loan would be available for up to six years (150 percent of four years), or, around 180 credits. After this period, the student would need to rely on unsubsidized loans. Both subsidized and unsubsidized loans offer some of the best interest rates and most flexible payback conditions to students, especially when compared to private loans. If you plan to take out loans to pay for your college education, be sure you fully understand all that is being offered to you to maximize your search for financial aid. Understanding the differences between subsidized and unsubsidized loans is crucial to this process. It is recommended to accept your subsidized loans first, and then accept unsubsidized loans as needed after that. Most importantly, if you have questions, dont hesitate to ask your college or universitys financial aid office for help navigating your options.

Video Guitar Fretboard Exercise

Video Guitar Fretboard Exercise Suzy S. Knowing your way around your guitar fretboard means more than just memorizing the notes. Working on specific exercises for speed and dexterity combined with a basic knowledge of music theory will help you create awesome solo runs and licks, which definitely adds some personality to your guitar playing. Check out the video below for a quick tutorial and fretboard exercise from Moorpark, CA teacher Bill W.:   Bill W. teaches guitar, music performance, music recording, music theory and songwriting lessons to students of all ages in Moorpark, CA. He received his Bachelors degree in Classical Guitar Performance from Cal State University Northridge, and his specialties include rock, country, blues, metal, and classical styles, as well as recording techniques. Learn more about Bill, or search for a teacher near you!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Alternate Interior Angles

Alternate Interior Angles When a line is intersecting the two parallel lines then the angles which are on the opposite side of the transversal line are called alternate interior angles. The alternate interior angles are always equal. The line which intersects the other two parallel lines are called as the transversal line. When one of the alternate interior angles is given it is easy to find out the other angles also. Following are the examples which are based on the alternate interior angles concept. Example 1:Two lines are cut by a transversal line and one angle is given as 110 degrees. Then find out the alternate interior angle of this angle. Solution 1:Given that two lines are cut by a transverse line then 4 alternate interior angles are made. We know that alternate interior angles are always equal. One of the angle is given as 110 degrees then the other angle is also 110 degrees. Example 2:Given that two lines are intersected by a transversal line and one of the interior angles is given as 100 degrees. Then find out the other angles. Solution 2: - Given that one of the alternate interior angles is given as 100 degrees. We know that the adjacent angles will sum up to 180 degrees so the adjacent angle would be 80 degrees. Now the required two alternate interior angles are 100 degrees and 80 degrees. So now all the interior angles are 100 degrees, 80 degrees, 100 degrees and 80 degrees.

Graphing Linear Equation Online

Graphing Linear Equation Online Graphing Linear equations online involves graphing equation in slope intercept form. On graphing linear equations, there are few methods to solve it. The most appropriate form of equation is slope intercept form. This form is the easiest form to get intercepts for the graph. This graph gives visual representation of a line and solution of the equation. There are various methods for graphing linear equations. One of method is by finding x and y values that satisfy the equation and other method using slope and y-intercept. These are examples that explain two methods of graphing linear equations. Example 1:- Draw graph of the equation: y = x + 2 Solution 1:- y = x + 2 First of all let us start with assuming any 2 values of x Now find the values of y by substituting the values of x If value of x = 1 the y = (1) + 2 = 2.5 (x, y) = (1, 2.5) If value of x = 2 then y= (2) + 2 = 3 (x, y) = (2, 3) Now plot these points x and y in the graph This method clearly shows the method of graphing linear equation by finding x and y values. Example 2:- Graph equation y = x + 2 using slope and y intercept. Solution 2:- y = x + 2 From the given equation Slope = and y-intercept = 2 Y-intercept is the point where the line crosses (intersect) y axis So the coordinate at that point is (0, 2) Now use the slope to find out next point on graph We know slope = change in y axis / change in x axis Here slope = So we have to move 2 units right in x- axis and 1 unit up in y axis Draw line through these points

Do you have to Drink, Schmooze or Talk Sports to Network - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Do you have to Drink, Schmooze or Talk Sports to Network - Introvert Whisperer Do you have to Drink, Schmooze or Talk Sports to Network? Do you have to Drink, Schmooze or Talk Sports to Network? Introverts are often faced with issues, when it comes to developing relationships with their co-workers, which often cause them to feel they are compromising their values.   It feels like a real dilemma, because to some degree it would be fun to occasionally be included with a group from work for some after-hours bonding. The dilemma causes most Introverts to be seriously grumpy.   Is this you? I totally know how you feel.   I have faced the same issues.   I don’t drink and I seriously dislike listening to sports much less talk about sports.   (I use sports news as my benchmark at night to turn off the TV).   Schmoozing I can do but prefer more substantial interactions.   Here’s what I have discovered: Drinking with co-workers.    If drinking wine or any alcohol isn’t what you do, you don’t need to start now just to spend time with your co-workers.   On the other hand, you don’t need to miss every after-work gathering just because they are and you aren’t.   You’re missing out on an opportunity to simply spend time getting to know others better and in a different setting.  The important part of the activity is the socializing, not the drinking and when you don’t join in, you are choosing to stay an outsider. Too much.   Sure, some people can get intense about how much they drink and how long they stay at some of these functions.   You need to have your boundaries clearly established for yourself in terms of these issues.   It doesn’t matter if someone is drinking or not, you don’t need to hang out with people who get out of control for any reason.   It also doesn’t mean that once you join into an event you have to stay there until the bitter end.   As an introvert, it may be tough to simply go and be around so many people but it is also the thing that you can prepare for in advance by defining how long you will participate.   Keep in mind that reinforcing relationships is more about quality, not quantity. Attitude.   One of the things I have witnessed with other Introverts in these situations is a bad attitude.   The common attitude is “I shouldn’t have to drink with the boss or _______ just to get ahead at work.”   True, you shouldn’t have to but you are also missing the point.   The point is not the drinking (or watching sports or whatever you don’t like to do) its about developing the relationship.   If you fail to develop relationships with your co-workers, you are failing yourself and career.   While you can develop your relationship during work hours, you have to understand that for some people, that doesn’t work for them.   Others need to spend time in non-work situations in order to be comfortable and relaxed enough to get the most out of it.   We don’t all do the same things the same way, including nurturing relationships. Suggest alternatives.   You can take it upon yourself to suggest something you’d prefer doing after work.   You can take an informal poll to find out other things your co-workers would prefer.   It can range from bowling, dining or hitting a coffee shop.   Keep in mind that just like going to a bar, not everyone will join in anyway.   The main thing is that you are taking some leadership on relationship development. It is all about relationships.    If you are sitting there right now also opposing the idea of developing relationships with your co-workers, you are putting your career in peril.   Studies show that 80% of what will factor into your career success is how well you interact with the people you work with.   That’s too huge to ignore. Your next career opportunity, job, promotion, cool project or resource will only come with or through another person.   Keep that in mind the next time the group at work wants to do something.   Join in and get to know them at a different level. Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.